Thursday, July 18, 2013

Missing them!

Actually semalam aku ada mimpi sebahagian besar kawan2 lama aku. Hmm. Start dengan kawan2 masa Praktikal hari tu ::. Randy, Rean and Lia .:: makin comel Randy dalam mimpi aku tu. Haha. Then aku  mimpi buka puasa ramai2 dengan team Alma pula ::. Pzul, Farah, Jiah, Syahril, Iqbal ::. banyak lagi kot tapi aku x ingat dah. Hmm. Aku tertanya-tanya dorang pernah tercari2 aku kah? Bukan aku xmaw cari dorang tapi aku segan lah dengan dorang, dah lah semua kawan2 aku tu budak pandai2. Hmm.

Then petang kelmarin Memet ada chat aku through FB, dia tanya kalau2 kitorang jadi pergi dorang konvo atau x. Hmm. Tentu2 jawapannya xdapat. Sedih aku bila dia cakap yang dia berharap sangat kami datang on that time dapat lepak sama2.  ╯_╰  Kalau lah tempat kamu tu dekat memang lama dah aku confirm pergi. Huu. Bukan dia ja sedih aku pun sedih sangat2. Bila dia cakap macam tu rindu pula aku dengan mereka2 yang lain. ::. Tity, Yuyu, Pojie, Bassist, Vocalist, Guitarist, Drummer .::

saya sangat merindui kalian!!!

hopefuLLy dapaT jumPa Lagi~

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sya'ban till Ramadhan :)

 2 months I leave this blog without updating any stories, semangat pula rasanya maw update and share some story. Hehe. Thus, lets start with month of June ( Sya'ban ). The first month aku dah mastautin tempat makcik aku di KK. Mula2 tu niat untuk lawat granny jak tapi xsangka yang aku kena suruh stay sana untuk jadi assistant nurse. Haha. bukan M.A (medical assistant) okay tapi assistant nurse yang merangkap pembantu makcik aku.
Agak lama jugak lah aku stay disana, hampir 3 minggu kalau xsilap aku. The first two weeks was awesome sebab cuti skolah so all family datang meyerang. Tipulah kalau aku cakap xboring stay lama2 di rumah 'orang lain' and be the eldest one there sebab cuzie2 aku pun masih skolah lagi. Tapi not bad jugak lah sebab my cuzie Nizam ada jadi peneman. Credit to you! ^_^
Last day yang best! Aku dapat percutian bersama cuzies and my unie. Dapat pula jumpa dengan my biggy sis. Hehe. Kitorang jalan untill night before masing2 balik. Then, maybe adalah dalam two weeks aku di rumah (Keningau) then aku merantau pula pergi Labuan! Haha. To be continue..

Continue.. :) Aku ada disana daripada Pesta Air mula sampai lah puasa ke 4 . Haha. It's about 2 weeks jak aku sana tapi rasa lama sangat. Kalau diikutkan memang kena suruh lama lagi tapi segan pula habiskkan beras di rumah orang. Haha. Kebetulan my unie balik hari tu so rasa best pula kalau buka puasa ramai2. Meriah rasanya. Hehe. Bukan di Labuan tu xmeriah tapi the best feeling bila buka puasa dengan family sendiri. ^_^ Credit to my babu, my paci, my granny, my cuzie adik-bradik N. Thank you n Luff u so much! Thanks to Mr.X jugak! Sebab sudi jadi driver and tourist guide kami. Jasamu akan dikenang! Haha
Now aku dah ada di rumah sendiri and alhamdulillah sekarang ni masuk puasa ke 9 dah. 21 days to go untuk loading Raya. I thinks enough for today. Rasanya belum lambat untuk aku wish
  Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan to all muslims! :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

time is 'clocking'

Actually on last Saturday aku balik kampung with my parents cause ada jemputan majlis kahwin my cousin. Almaklumlah dah masuk cuti sekolah, so ramai lah yang ambil kesempatan untuk buat majlis kahwin. Tapi on the day majlis tu kitaorang xdapat pergi lah pulak! Haha! Aku dengan cuzie dah siap lawa2 tup..tup.. xjadi pulak atas masalah2 yang xdapat dielakkan (ayat skema siot) tapi I don't really care sangat sebab ada si Kecik so dengan hati yang senang dan suka aku xkisah pun. Haha!

Sedar xsedar dah dekat akhir bulan dah ni. Next2 month dah puasa. Wahh~ xrasa masa berjalan. Result for UPU pun masih belum dapat lagi, cuak pula rasa. Hopefully aku dapat lah walaupun aku taw mungkin aku xdapat jumpa someone yang aku maw sangat jumpa tu. :) Well~ I'm just hoping the best happen for me.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May Mode

starting new entry for this May with this Kehilangan song. Maybe I'v mention about this song before but that was the different situation, and now this song is actually a best happy song for me. It's reminds me of someone. :)

Ku coba ungkap tabir ini
Kisah antara kau dan aku
Terpisahkan oleh ruang dan waktu
Menyudutkanmu meninggalkanku

Ku merasa tlah kehilangan
Cintamu yang tlah lama hilang
Kau pergi jauh karena salahku
Yang tak pernah menganggap kamu ada

Asmara memisahkan kita
Mengingatkanku pada dirimu
Gelora mengingatkanku
Bahwa cintamu tlah merasuk jantungku

Sejujurnya ku tak bisa
Hidup tanpa ada kamu aku gila
Seandainya kamu bisa
Mengulang kembali lagi cinta kita

Takkan ku sia-siakan kamu lagi
Asmara memisahkan kita
Mengingatkanku pada dirimu
Gelora mengingatkanku
Bahwa cintamu tlah merasuk jantungku

Sejujurnya ku tak bisa
Hidup tanpa ada kamu aku gila
Seandainya kamu bisa
Mengulang kembali lagi cinta kita

Sejujurnya ku tak bisa
Hidup tanpa ada kamu aku gila

Takkan ku sia-siakan kamu lagi. (2x)
Maybe some people may think this song for a broken heart people, but in my situation right now I'm not in that kind of situation. I'm listening to this song whenever I'm missing someone. He's my Firman, he's my Judika, he's my Bruno Mars and much more. Actually this song has nothing to do about what did happen to us, but he was singing this song. :) all right then to be continued..

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

bila April~

Yeay! We're in the middle of month! it means about 75 days more maybe kita akan berpuasa. Pantas betul masa berlalu sedar x sedar a few months lagi untuk raya. Wah~ ^_^ puasa pun belum now I'm exciting about raya. Hehe.

Sekarang ni orang tengah sibuk berkempen untuk pilihan raya, but me? Aku tengah sibuk kempen dengan kawan2 aku untuk buat something yang mungkin Insya'allah dapat tolong someone capai cita2 dia. :) Before that just let me say Congratulation to him and I'm really proud of you. I'll always pray and support you! Okay then, another story I've sent my form to U yang aku apply on 18th and I really2 hope akan diterima lah. Aminn~ huu. Oh ya! Si 'Kecik' datang rumah hari tu even just a few days tapi aku happy sangat! Miss her badly! Huu.

Actually, I'm searching any story to share right now but I really can't think one of it. Hmm~ Never mind. If aku dah ad story nanti aku entry lagi. Hehe. Aneyong~ :)

Monday, March 18, 2013


After we get our Diploma, we know we can't get like we used to be in Poly. Now, maybe it's not too long after graduate last year but I really miss all  my craziest friends! My ninja's, my short sem team, Kasanova's and more. We've been trough a lot of things doesn't matter how's hard it is. Maybe sometimes we can't get along with each other but at the end we will automatically be fine .

my short sem team! chuey , intan and me!
Three of us become closer since May 2012. We get the short sem for a month. :) 

 DSK family's batch Jan 2010.
Our first task on managing an event and guess what?? all of us success!! wohoa!

My ninja's! From your left tyty, ming2, yuyu and me!
This is our last trip before we went back to Sabah after a final year exam.
Hmm. :'(

Proud to show my band! Kasanova's band! Just a project band for our last dinner but it was awesome to know them.
From left : Mamal, Rin, Me, Amey, Nat, Walid and Apis

Walaahh~ This is our graduation days! Finally dream comes true when we finally finished our study and get the flower that we've always dream about! Haha.

I just wanna say Thank you guys for being my friends and insya'allah I'll never forget what we've been through together. Thank you for patience, understand, supports, consideration and always be there whenever I need you guys. I really appreciate it. I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Muahhxx! xoxo ^_^

Sunday, March 17, 2013

march updating..

It's really a long time since I left my blog without any updating. Hmm. Now I'm updating it, thus it's not too bored to watched. I've change all of my theme. Before this my theme color it's kind like a peach color but now I've changed it to the ocean, sky color. It's Blue!! Hehe. I've added mushroom cursors and some falling love so at least it will give my blog more to 'alive' maybe (◕^^◕)

After make over a little my blog, now I just can't stop my hand to click or search or updating. Haha. This is what people are always saying " Benda yang baru dicuba ni memang addicted untuk kita cuba lagi" but I really  doing this kind of things. Mungkin sebab dah lama x make over blog that's why maybe I can't stop to seeing this. Hehe. Oh ya! I've make another blog and dedicated to someone.  *^_^* (blushing)

Alright then, aneyong people!

Friday, February 22, 2013

2013 story

Assalamualaikum wbt :) wow~ its been a long time juga aku x update this blog. It could be faktor masa kot that's why aku lama x update. Since it's the story of 2013 let me wish a

                                         HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 everyone!!!
# i wish this 2013 may gives more blessing and prosperity (copy paste)
# i wish I can see you
# i wish I can get to University in your country :)

Well  now dah Febuary a few weeks lagi dah March, cepat betul masa ni berlalu. Hmm. Actually I have a lot of story tapi aku xtau where should I start. Alhamdulillah~ everything goes well for the early year and I'm keep my self busy with on9 stalking, walking, talking, eating, missing, thinking, and so on. Right now, the only things in my mind is my crushy. How's his doing now? Are his okay? Hmm.
Just feels upset I'm updating my blog with my sad mood. :(  Nevermind, I'm gonna updating this soon. Gtg! Aneyong~